Gabriel Castro Benavides

Gabriel ha brindado representación legal y asesoramiento estratégico a clientes corporativos durante años, incluidas varias empresas Fortune 500, familias e individuos que hacen negocios en América Central y el Caribe.

Además, ha gestionado proyectos legales estratégicos y apoyo en crisis para clientes comerciales y organismos internacionales a nivel regional en temas como:

  • Derecho societario y diseño de estructuras societarias y contractuales.
  • Gestión de Proyectos Jurídicos.
  • Fusiones y adquisiciones.
  • Derecho Mercantil y gestión y resolución de litigios.
  • Ley de quiebra.
  • Ley anti monopolio.
  • Ley del consumidor.

Gabriel se ha especializado en la gestión de proyectos legales en asuntos multi-jurisdiccionales, estructuración de negocios y crédito, transacciones, gobierno corporativo, contratos y cumplimiento regulatorio general en varias industrias.

"I've known Gabriel for several years. He has represented me in a number of transactions, from real estate to personal legal proceedings. Gabriel has always provided excellent advice, being creative to the situation with a solution, however always maintaining his legal obligations to me, the client and to the laws of the governing country. He's honest, dedicated, trustworthy and has a clear understanding of the particular governing laws. His network within the legal community allows him to provide deep expertise on a number of topics, as well as helping with legal advice from other latin american countries. Over the years, my business partners have also gained respect of Gabriel's honesty and ability to bring closure to issues, by moving some of their own legal affairs to him. He is an outstanding individual always available and willing to assist in any circumstance."
Peter B. Lynt
“Gabriel has been in all the processes of ILSI Mesoamerica since its foundation in 2014 until today. His support has allowed us to comply 100% with the mandatory policies of the ILSI Federation immediately after their promulgation, the achievement of framework agreements with the Universities as well as with government institutions and more recently, we have achieved the declaration of ILSI Mesoamerica. as a public utility organization; among many other successes. As an advisor, he is always willing to provide guidance with excellence and professional commitment of the highest level. On a personal level he has always been respectful and happy to go the extra mile for the project. We hope he will stay by our side forever."
Hannia León
Executive Director International Life Sciences Institute Mesoamerica
“Gabriel has been my lawyer for the past few years and he is very responsive, helpful and knowledgeable. He assists all matters in a very professional way and has a wide range of skills with business, real estate and more. Always a pleasure to work with and would highly and confidently recommend.”
Ben Halfon